Make your email distinctive to you or your business: As a business or even an individual, in order to avoid being confused for another user or brand, ensure your chosen name is distinctive to you and you alone.For example, instead of go with the known spelling Ensure that the name used is common spelling and makes sense when pronounced together. Make it memorable: Having an account that is hard to pronounce will be a problem to always remember.Here are a few tips on how to make a unique email address for personal usage, and for your brand. Being creative and attentive is how you can create distinctive addresses for business or pleasure. Try it FREE How to Create a Unique Email AddressĬreating a unique email address for personal or business use isn't at all tricky. Get rid of email clutter and simplify email management with Clean Email. This is why everything from your business name,logo, and domain needs to be distinctive. As a business, not being known is equivalent to not making an impact, and not making an impact equals not succeeding at the level you ought to. While some people want to live their lives without being noticed, that does not apply for businesses. Other than the fear of global warming, being lost or unrecognized as a person or business is another thing that accompanies the problem of the world population. There are 7 billion people on the face of the planet today. Why Your Mail Account Has to Be Distinctive It could be a custom email such as or simply The important thing is that it is unique, it intrigues, it is only owned by you, and it can always be remembered.

It functions as a unique signature so people who interact with you can identify you anytime and anywhere. You can select the appropriate gender for your screen names, and whether they should include a first and last name combination or just a single word.A unique email address is simply a form of identification for you or your brand - a name that only you have access to. If you don't find one that suits you, click on the button again to generate more names till you get the desired results. The page will generate ten names at once. Once you've found the right category for your needs, click on it and select a name sub-category (for example, select Other names > Holiday names) from the dropdown options. If you want something on the lines of "Commander," then perhaps the Pop culture generator is your best choice. If you're looking for something like "Ethereal Owl" or "Velvet Nightingale," you may want to go with the Fantasy screen name generator. The first thing you'll have to do is pick a category that most closely resembles the type of screen name you want to create. When you visit the website, you will see all of their different options for name generators.

Fantasy Name Generators can help you come up with a screen name that's truly unique.